So crescent moons just sat back and did nothing. Just collected their money for us to buy this worthless game. And no updates! Really, Crescent Moons, you blow. Was so hoping for a good game from your developers. Will never trust a game from you again.
I waited to play the game for a bit before my review, but I agree with others: this game is way to buggy -- it was released too soon. Its laughably bad. Ill try to make it short: most of the terrain and buildings are empty (you spend an s$&$ load of time just running); there is no tutorial (so for someone new to the genre they wouldnt know how to level-up); NO map (sometimes a beacon will show up to point you where to go, which could just end up being the base of a mountain after 15-20 minutes of boring running chasing it); no save slots; no crouch and yes the change in views is unpredictable. For $5, this is a MAJOR faux pas. I would either expect my money back or a MAJOR update soon.
Stquincy about Exiles