Unfinished is an understatement
Here I am trying to avoid my real life responsibilities and work buying a 5 dollar iOS game
And what I get is a sandbox environment that is almost quite literally only sand
A big expansive environment that is barren.
Devoid of almost anything
Ive encountered a total of 1 enemy out in the wastes while riding around on a vehicle that requires fuel
Which brings me to
What is the point of that?
Giving a finite amount of fuel for a vehicle?
Its not challenging
It doesnt enrich the gameplay
Its bothersome
When your bike runs dry in the middle of an empty map
Jogging back to the nearest garage is a tedious chore that is only rewarded by more iffy game mechanics
The skill tree or progression or what have you is unrewarding
For it lets you improve on skill that either I never use or passive traits that I dont notice
No sense of gaining any sort of power or advantage over opponents
Which is another point
Either enemies go down in 2 shots
Or the spastic auto aim never lets you land a hit on them
There is no cover system
You cant even depend on running behind a wall as Ive seen my character still taking hits for shots that go through solid objects
mr.crazyawesome about